Wednesday, March 18, 2015

the fire at twin rivers middle school

  Today was a disaster, because we had this fire. It all started when I was in my speech class and we had this fire drill. The school always have fire dills for practice just incase a fire comes. We always go outside. But this time there was a real fire. There was an accident with construction. I think they were adding additions to the building and they hurt the electricity and caused the alarm to go off. So the students and teachers were outside, and the principle says to the teachers we should go to the Mountain View High School. So we walked to their stadium and in single file order we sat on the benches. We then waited for it to clear up. The  fire trucks went to the Twin Rivers Middle School and tried to put out the fire and while they did that we waited. Then we saw the helicopter. I think we guessed that we were probably going to be on the news.  People called there parents to pick them up. Some people left their phones at school. I did not have my phone because it was in my book bag.  I used my 4th period teacher's phone. Meanwhile  we ate lunch but we had to go in order 8th,7th,6th grades in single file, and it was so boring and I was hungry while waiting. Seventh grade was last. I am in seventh grade. When everyone was done, parents came and the principle and a man called out names to get picked up. I got picked up. The people that didn't get picked up had to ride the bus. I don't how bad it is now but I don't know if I am going to have school tomorrow. My book bag has everything in it -- my phone, my book and other stuff/ I hope I have school tomorrow so I can get my stuff back. I am scared if there is school tomorrow what the schedule is going to be like then. That is pretty much it for today and hope you like what I write.