Friday, July 19, 2019

weight loss

      My weight loss journey has been hard but, I can't wait until I am at a healthy weight. I want to loss weight for myself and others because they will be happy for me, I don't have many people but that is fine, I just want to look okay. I have been trying to eat healthier and count my calories but I  had to many slip ups but not anymore. I was about 186 and now I am 182. I am progressing, I know I have along way. It will be hard but I have to stay strong. I have always hated how I looked.  When I  about to go in the shower or just hated how my cloths looked in the mirror but not anymore, I am on a journey to help myself. Since I have tried to eat healthier I feel better , I have also tried to walk as much as I can, I walk at the mall at times. I am pretty tired of being tired and not being able to go to the gym because, I have no energy or motivation or my dad can't take me. Its pretty hot out and I don't want to walk over to the mall that would be enough exercise for me. I want my weight to make people proud because  nobody is proud of me. I am trying to change little things. Also I am 17 and 5''0'', My goal is to be at 127.