Friday, July 19, 2019

weight loss

      My weight loss journey has been hard but, I can't wait until I am at a healthy weight. I want to loss weight for myself and others because they will be happy for me, I don't have many people but that is fine, I just want to look okay. I have been trying to eat healthier and count my calories but I  had to many slip ups but not anymore. I was about 186 and now I am 182. I am progressing, I know I have along way. It will be hard but I have to stay strong. I have always hated how I looked.  When I  about to go in the shower or just hated how my cloths looked in the mirror but not anymore, I am on a journey to help myself. Since I have tried to eat healthier I feel better , I have also tried to walk as much as I can, I walk at the mall at times. I am pretty tired of being tired and not being able to go to the gym because, I have no energy or motivation or my dad can't take me. Its pretty hot out and I don't want to walk over to the mall that would be enough exercise for me. I want my weight to make people proud because  nobody is proud of me. I am trying to change little things. Also I am 17 and 5''0'', My goal is to be at 127.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

I am getting better but i am still not okay

okay from my last story my life is so crappy, I am still crappy but I am gradually trying to get better it hurts. I am depressed again because I have depression and when I am depressed I don't to do normal life things like if my parents asking me to do stuff or just when I am bored its like I don't how to function anymore it hurt too much . I mean I lost a friend I know she was bad but it hurts.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

my life is a disaster

Last night or tonight on New years eve or day, my dad ruined the rest of the night because he got drunk. My Dad scared the mice out of me ,I would use a bad word but I don't think it would be appropriate. My dad practically abused my mom with words and physically like sat on her. My Dad does this every New years, I can't take it. He scared my older sister. He kept saying to me and forced me like dragged me to get to bed but I couldn't because for a while now I have been having seizures and depression, it is to much to handle as it is, and for my dad to be drunk and when obviously I was  sad. My sister had to call the police on him it was so bad. I wish I can trust him again but I can't. It was just too much and too much going on I wanted it too stop.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Have you ever felt you could not stand up for yourself or that it is hard to make friends because you are too shy? Have you felt it was too hard to talk to your crush because you are afraid you are going to make a fool out of yourself or that you are too shy and other reasons? Well you are not alone. There are a million people who are like that. It is normal if you feel that way, but don't say to yourself, "I am never going to break out of my shell''. I was in that position and I still am but I am overcoming it. When you're in that position you feel like you can't do anything. Well if you want to make a difference, then you can do some things like asking if you can sit by them. Start by asking first and  then say "hi" and "what is your name" and go on from there. If you have a standing up for yourself problem well don't be afraid, just say what you have to say. If you have a crush problem then wave and smile and say "hi." There is no problem in saying or doing that. Here is advice: don't let your fears bring you down. There is no luck in that. So to the people who read this inspirational writing, do something risky but not too risky and not dangerous. Just do something that will boost that confidence so that you can be more fun and out there.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

the fire at twin rivers middle school

  Today was a disaster, because we had this fire. It all started when I was in my speech class and we had this fire drill. The school always have fire dills for practice just incase a fire comes. We always go outside. But this time there was a real fire. There was an accident with construction. I think they were adding additions to the building and they hurt the electricity and caused the alarm to go off. So the students and teachers were outside, and the principle says to the teachers we should go to the Mountain View High School. So we walked to their stadium and in single file order we sat on the benches. We then waited for it to clear up. The  fire trucks went to the Twin Rivers Middle School and tried to put out the fire and while they did that we waited. Then we saw the helicopter. I think we guessed that we were probably going to be on the news.  People called there parents to pick them up. Some people left their phones at school. I did not have my phone because it was in my book bag.  I used my 4th period teacher's phone. Meanwhile  we ate lunch but we had to go in order 8th,7th,6th grades in single file, and it was so boring and I was hungry while waiting. Seventh grade was last. I am in seventh grade. When everyone was done, parents came and the principle and a man called out names to get picked up. I got picked up. The people that didn't get picked up had to ride the bus. I don't how bad it is now but I don't know if I am going to have school tomorrow. My book bag has everything in it -- my phone, my book and other stuff/ I hope I have school tomorrow so I can get my stuff back. I am scared if there is school tomorrow what the schedule is going to be like then. That is pretty much it for today and hope you like what I write.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Party at School

I had my party at school it was fun. We had cupcakes, Cheetos, and other stuff.  We had stockings with candy canes and candy inside.  We played games were you are blind folded and spin you around and try to put the carrot on the snowman nose.  The best part of the day was making making ornaments.  We made a red Santa, a green Christmas tree, and a white snowman.  I just love my snowman. Than I sat at my desk and at my cookie and it was good . Finally, I got my book-bag and I got ready for the school bus.  It was a fun a long day at school. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Outside In The Park

I went to Suwanee town center with my dad and ate at Brown Bag Deli. After lunch, I raced down a hill with my scooter and my dad didn't have a scooter and screamed, "Can this scooter go any faster!" because he won.  But then when we had a race without a scooter I won. Than we went in the car and went to Walmart to buy the cats a Christmas present and I got socks.  Than we went home.